If you let a country boy do his own plumbing...
he's gonna need to buy some pipes.
When he gets the pipes, he'll need to go under the house.
(picture coming soon)
When he looks under the house, he's gonna remember it rained & poured and he's gonna get muddy.
So he'll want to put his coveralls on.
When he's under the house fixing & installing new plumbing, he's gonna forget something and have to come back through the house!
When he goes through the house, he's gonna get it MESSY!!
When he gets the house messy, his wife's gonna want it cleaned! (and want running water again!!)
So since he's gonna agree that's no way to live, he's gonna scrap & scrub until it looks "normal" again!
When he does the bulk clean, scraping & scrubbing, his wife will gladly agree to go behind and do the detailed cleaning.
As his wife is cleaning, she's gonna realize this is what happens if you let a country BOY do his own plumbing!
~ That was our past weekend adventure!